

© Drake Dunaway 2020. All rights reserved.

Little Bessemer had lots of toys in his cubby. And if there were one thing that Bessemer liked, it was toys. Here in Heaven there were barrows of toys; there were big ones, teeny tiny ones, fuzzy, and colorful toys. Most of the other toys that the children of Earth lost ended up here, where angels cleaned them and fixed them up like new for the great nursery behind the Throne.

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Demon Days

Demon Days

Author’s note: This is the short prologue to my collection of short stories, provisionally titled Demon Days: Nine Urban Tales

The Genizah

A dark hall. At the far end the slats of a broken louver filter the cobalt blue of city midnight across the wainscoting. Nobody is about, nothing stirs. All the remaining descriptors, the vivid features of the musty hall and dun floorboards, recline on imagination to fill them in.

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A Unicorn Called Rachael: Biblical Allegory in Blade Runner 2049: Parts I & II

A Unicorn Called Rachael: Biblical Allegory in Blade Runner 2049: Parts I & II

A Unicorn Called Rachael: Biblical Allegory in Blade Runner 2049: Part I
By: Drake Dunaway


In the livid heat shimmer of the deserts the silhouette of a weary traveler appears before you like a merging orbit of inkblots. This dusty wayfarer hails from far away, venturing this parched and desperate land to flee to his kindred. Behind in Canaan he leaves a dramatic tale that goaded him hither; a slighted brother, a stolen birthright, and a desperate flight as a pauper before the mercies of the frontier. Cue the sheer panoramas of deep deserts, whipping winds, and all the B-reel our minds conjure. That’ll do.

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Video Lecture: James Charlesworth’s ‘The Good and Evil Serpent’

Video Lecture: James Charlesworth’s ‘The Good and Evil Serpent’

Quite a ways back I attended SBL in Atlanta. And for those of you who know me, I typically don’t fall in with the Paul within Judaism seminars, nor insipid moorings in the doctrinal. That’s all very stuffy. As my temple’s resident mythographer I want the salacious; gimme sea dragons and nephilim, baby! So naturally I attended a seminar on serpent iconography in the Bible and Ancient Near East. Only recently had I gotten around to actually reading recommended literature from the session, and only recently have I gotten the time to cobble together a palatable presentation for the derned thing.

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Forever in Tomorrow

Forever in Tomorrow

By: Drake Dunaway | © 2017

The quaint shtetl of Rosava lay alone in the wide and grassy country of Russia. The sun was tracking toward evening behind the clouds on a drear Friday. The cows lowed as they headed back to the barns. Shabbat preparations were in full swing.

In the barn, two boys and a girl argued about killing a snake they found in the corner of one of the stalls. It was long and black.

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